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Modeling Amps For Sale on Reverb

Modeling amps offer players the ability to simulate and combine the sounds of other amps and effects within one unit. Short of buying a massive pedalboard and a studio full of different vintage amp specimens, a trusty modeling amp is the quickest way to bring a full tonal buffet to your rig.

In recent years, affordable digital processing has vastly expanded the quality and availability of modeling amps which includes everything from the basic Line 6 Spider and Peavey VYPYR series all the way up to the studio-grade Kemper Profiler models. Whether you're a beginner looking to sample some new sounds or a pro who needs a wide sonic palette for studio work, modeling amps are a great all-purpose solution.

What Is a Modeling Guitar Amp?

A modeling guitar amp is an amplifier that emulates the sound of another amplifier. Amp modeling recreates the sounds of classic guitar amps so that the player can have the effect of owning dozens (if not hundreds) of different amplifiers without actually having to store multiple amps.

How Does a Modeling Amp Work?

Modeling amps work by taking the signal from your guitar and running it through software algorithms that are made to sound like the real thing. This isn’t dissimilar to the way a lot of digital effects pedals work, or how you’d emulate an amp or other effects in a DAW.

Are Modeling Amps Good?

Despite cries from purists, the best modeling amps are quite good. Technology has advanced since the very first modeling amps came into production. These days, guitar amp modeling is found everywhere from bedrooms to studios to the stage.

Of course, there are modeling amps pros and cons. The pros usually include the price, portability, choice you get in sounds (versus having to own dozens of differently tuned amplifiers for different sounds), and the ability to quickly change that sound on the fly. The con is that, according to some, modeling amps still aren’t exact replicas of the amps they’ve set out to emulate. And if you really enjoy and are used to the feel of a tube amp, replacing it with a modeling option might require a bit of adjustment. But for many, the pros are worth it.

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