2-Day Shipping

Sellers who've earned the Quick Shipper badge can now offer a faster delivery option. Each seller determines their own 2-Day Shipping rates. Faster shipping options are currently only available to buyers in the same country as the seller.

How Does 2-Day Shipping Work?


A buyer chooses the 2-Day Shipping option during checkout. The seller sees that the buyer has purchased 2-Day Shipping.


Reverb marks the order as being cleared for shipment.


The seller ships the item within one business day via a two day delivery service.


Orders placed through negotiated offers are not eligible for 2-Day Shipping.

Seller Requirements

  • Sellers must have the Quick Shipper badge to offer 2-Day Shipping.
  • Orders with 2-Day Shipping must ship within one business day of payment being cleared and be delivered to the buyer within 2 days of being shipped.
  • If the order is not shipped within one business day of payment being cleared and delivered at the latest on the third business day, the seller agrees to refund the buyer the difference between their 2-Day Shipping rate and their standard rate.

Why should I offer Free 2-Day Shipping?

Free 2-Day Shipping is becoming more and more common for online purchases. While it incurs extra costs for sellers there are plenty of benefits to offering it on your Reverb listings. Let’s explore what those are.

Increase Order Volume

Sellers who attach Free 2-Day Shipping to the majority of their listings see up to 25% growth in order volume against a comparable period of time without.

Extra Exposure on Reverb

Reverb markets a curated set for buyers to easily find what they want with Free 2-Day Shipping attached. We also give buyers the ability to exclude all listings without Free 2-Day Shipping attached if it’s a requirement for their purchase.

Differentiate Your Listings

Bumps are a great tool, however offering Free 2-Day Shipping is another value-add that sets your listings apart from your competitors.

How do I set up 2-Day Shipping rates?

Do you have your Quick Shipper Badge? Congratulations! To learn how you can offer 2-Day Shipping, email [email protected].

Once approved, you can add 2-Day Shipping rates when creating or editing a Shipping Profile. Simply visit your shipping profiles settings to create a new shipping profile with 2-Day Shipping rates or add them to an existing shipping profile.

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Feel free to reach out to our rockstar support team.

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Reverb Gives

Your purchases help youth music programs get the gear they need to make music.

Carbon-Offset Shipping

Your purchases also help protect forests, including trees traditionally used to make instruments.

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