Wampler Ego Compressor (Serial #N/A)
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Wampler Mini Ego Compressor Pedal

Wampler Mini Ego Compressor Pedal

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • Mini Ego Compressor
  • Blue
  • 2010s


The Wampler Mini Ego Compressor streamlines the company's most popular compression pedal into a unit half the size of the original with even more features. Packed in a miniature chassis that's particularly attractive to those with limited pedalboard real estate, the mini rendition features the same knobs for blend, sustain, and volume to tame your highs and bring up your lows. Not content to stop there, Wampler included tone and attack knobs on this new model to brighten/dark and slow/accelerate the effect for a world of punchy goodness in a tiny presentation.


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