Walrus Audio Janus Tremolo / Fuzz

Walrus Audio Janus Tremolo / Fuzz

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • Janus Tremolo / Fuzz
  • Janus Tremolo / Fuzz Limited Edition - 10th Anniversary
  • Electric Neon
  • Pink / Teal
  • Rainbow Sparkle
  • White
  • 2012 - 2025
Made In
  • United States
Pedal Format
  • Standard


Name after the two-faced Roman god of doors, beginnings, and ends, the Janus is a formidable tremolo and fuzz that manages to both bridge the two effects and create something completely new. Dual onboard joysticks allow for infinite effect sculpting, and the pedal can function independently as tremolo or fuzz, or both can be engaged for new sonic territory.


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