Source Audio Soundblox 2 OFD Guitar microModeler

Source Audio Soundblox 2 OFD Guitar microModeler

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • Soundblox 2 OFD Guitar microModeler
  • Navy
  • 2010s
Made In
  • China


With fuzz, overdrive, and distortion capabilities all in one, the Source Audio Soundblox 2 OFD Guitar microModeler offers up vintage tones in a decidedly modern way. Modeling amps from the likes of Mesa Boogie and Marshall and pedals like the Pro Co Rat, Big Muff, Tube Screamer, and Fuzz Face, it's easy to find a sound you'll love with the OFD Guitar microModeler. It even comes with a specially dedicated metal tone for screaming distortion and Source Audio's own aggressive overdrive, called Crunch Tube. Sturdy and compact, the Soundblox 2 OFD Guitar microModeler comes with a ton of adjustable parameters so that you can find your own tone amongst all the classics.


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