Roland TB-303, Original used but still new
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Roland TB-303 Bass Line Synthesizer Module

Roland TB-303 Bass Line Synthesizer Module

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • TB-303 Bassline Synthesizer Module
  • Silver
  • 1981 - 1984
Made In
  • Japan
Analog / Digital
  • Analog
  • 1 Voice


Made between 1982 and 1984, the Roland TB-303 is an analog bass synthesizer capable of producing sequenced bass lines. Originally intended to accompany studio musicians in place of a bassist, it soon found a different use providing the squelching bass lines of acid house music, particularly due to its transistor-based resonant low-pass filter. With a DIN Sync24 input, CV/Gate functionality, and a unique step sequencer with slide, swing, and accent functions, the Roland TB-303 creates an unforgettable and unique bass sound.

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