Roland System-1M Plug-Out Synthesizer Module

Roland System-1M Plug-Out Synthesizer Module

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • System-1M Plug-Out Synthesizer Module
  • Black
  • 2014 - 2025
Horizontal Pitch
  • 84HP
Modular Synth Format
  • Eurorack


The Roland System-1M Plug-Out Synthesizer Module offers all the sound sculpting power of a modular system in a format that can translate into different forms of synthesis. Armed with an LFO and dual oscillators with six selectable waveforms, the signal can be pitched, filtered, and distorted through dedicated effect sections with easily readable backlit parameters. Clocking in at 84 HP, the System 1-M is expansive enough to operate all on its own, but the real fun comes in patching it into other modules and controllers via MIDI, USB, and AIRA connectivity.

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