Roland CR-78 CompuRhythm

Roland CR-78 CompuRhythm

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • CR-78 CompuRhythm
  • Black
  • 1970s
Made In
  • Japan
Analog / Digital
  • Analog
  • 4 Voices


The Roland CR-78 CompuRhythm ranks as one of Roland's most iconic drum machines. Released in the '70s, the preset-based CR-78 was similar to the CR-68, but allowed broader variation on patterns and voices. The all-analog drum sounds are classic Roland, with similar programming to the later TR-808. Additional features include Fill-In, Voice Cancel, 11 Variation effects and the ability to store patterns.

Notable Uses: "Heart of Glass" by Blondie, "In The Air Tonight" by Phill Collins

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