RCA 77-DX Ribbon Microphone

RCA 77-DX Ribbon Microphone

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • 77-DX Ribbon Microphone
  • Silver / Red Badge
  • Umber Gray
  • 1960s
Made In
  • United States
Microphone Type
  • Ribbon
  • Wired


Easily some of the most iconic microphones to ever grace this earth, known not only for their bold appearance but also for their classic tonality, the RCA 77-D and 77-DX mics were a staple in the broadcast and recording industry from the 1950s onward and can be found in nearly every major recording facility -- and even in a number of smaller private studios. Used on countless important recordings by the likes of Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Johnny Cash, and a wealth of others, the RCA 77's unique switchable directionality and inviting tone have cemented its place in history as one of the classics and continues to rise in value.

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