2014 Peavey Delta Blues 30w Tube Amplifier Tweed Cabinet 15" Speaker
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Peavey Delta Blues 115 30W 1x15 Guitar Combo Amp

Peavey Delta Blues 115 30W 1x15 Guitar Combo Amp

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • Delta Blues 115 30W 1x15" Guitar Combo Amp
  • Tweed
  • 2010s
Made In
  • United States
Built-In Effects
  • Built-In Effects
  • Tube
Number of Channels
  • 2 Channels
Number of Inputs
  • 1 Input
Output Power (Watts)
  • 30
Power Tube Type
  • EL84
  • Spring Reverb
Speaker Configuration
  • 1x15"


Bringing together features like an armada of 12AX7 and EL84 preamp and power tubes, onboard tremolo, reverb, and three-band EQ, and dedicated controls for pre and post gain, the Peavey Delta Blues 115 30W 1x15 Guitar Combo Amp covers the whole tonal spectrum of what blues players demand from their amps. The 15" Stephens True Sonic Speaker takes the 30 watts of power through the whole gamut from beautiful tweed cleans down to dirty searing distortion with the twists of a few knobs.

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