Peavey 6505 MH "Mini Head" 2-Channel 20-Watt Guitar Amp Head

Peavey 6505 MH "Mini Head" 2-Channel 20-Watt Guitar Amp Head

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • 6505 MH "Mini Head" 2-Channel 20-Watt Guitar Amp Head
  • Black
  • 2010s
Made In
  • China
Color Family
  • Black
  • Tube
  • 16 ohms
  • 8 ohms
Number of Channels
  • 2 Channels
Number of Inputs
  • 2 Inputs
Output Power (Watts)
  • 20
Power Tube Type
  • EL84
  • Unpowered
  • None


The Peavey 6505 MH is a tube-powered brute that packs all the tone of the standard and "Plus" model 6505 heads into a compact enclosure. The 6505 MH's two channels have the same gain structure and voicing as the bigger amps, with the shared equalization section of the 6505 (the 6505+ has independent EQs) with reverb and an effects loop. The MSDI output section on the rear panel allows for direct recording of the amp with headphone monitoring, even simulating a microphone crammed up against a cabinet for authentic tone. No audio interface? No problem. A USB output uses an onboard converter to spit the 6505 MH's signal straight into your computer with no fuss.

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