Moog Subharmonicon Semi-Modular Polyrhythmic Analog Synthesizer

Moog Subharmonicon Semi-Modular Polyrhythmic Analog Synthesizer

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • Subharmonicon
  • Black
  • 2020 - 2025
Made In
  • United States
Analog / Digital
  • Analog
  • MIDI Input
  • 6 Voices


The dual-sequencer, dual-VCO, and quad-sub-oscillator Subharmonicon offers rich polyphonic and polyrhythmic possibilities. Onboard you'll find classic Moog features like the ladder filter, as well as a 32 I/O patchbay that includes a MIDI input. The unit's unique sequencers and Polyrhythm Generators allow you to create incredibly ornate melodic patterns, either with the Subharmonicon alone or when used as part of a larger synth system.


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