Moog Sanctuary (MemoryMoog+) Extremely rare bird.
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Moog Memorymoog 1982 - 1985

Moog Memorymoog 1982 - 1985

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • Memorymoog
  • Wood
  • 1982 - 1985
Made In
  • United States
Analog / Digital
  • Analog
Key Size
  • Full Size
Keyboard Action
  • Synth Action
  • MIDI Input
  • MIDI Output
  • MIDI Through
Number of Keys
  • 61 Keys
  • 6 Voices


The Memorymoog is the last official synth released by the original Moog company before they went bankrupt in 1982. It combines 100 patch memory slots (hence the name) with six voice polyphony to create a unique polysynth with a triple VCO Moog flavor. There are two models, the basic and Plus, which features a rudimentary MIDI implementation making it more valuable. Both models are often found retrofitted though with better MIDI setups, improved oscillator stability, and other enhancements.

Years of Production: 1982 - 1985

Polyphony: 6 voices

Number of Keys: 61 

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