Mooer Ocean Machine

Mooer Ocean Machine

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • Ocean Machine
  • Blue
  • 2010s
Made In
  • China
Color Family
  • Blue
Pedal Format
  • Floor Unit


Mooer partnered with Devin Townsend to create the Ocean Machine, which was in development for two years before finally hitting the market. Bringing together a world of complex algorithms, the Ocean Machine is a high-fidelity reverb, delay, and looper all-in-one. It's exceedingly programmable, packed with two independent delays with 15 different delay types and 0-2 seconds of delay time, nine reverb effects, and 44 seconds of looping time for the looper's two standard modes of operation. Adding to its capabilities, the Ocean Machine features extra inputs for additions like an expression pedal, MIDI capability, and adjustable global EQ settings for even more tweakability.

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A keyboard, a guitar, and a pedal

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