Mesa Boogie JP-2C John Petrucci Signature 3-Channel 100-Watt Guitar Amp Head

Mesa Boogie JP-2C John Petrucci Signature 3-Channel 100-Watt Guitar Amp Head

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • JP-2C John Petrucci Signature Guitar Amplifier Head
  • Various
  • 2016 - 2025
Made In
  • United States
  • Tube
Output Power (Watts)
  • 100
  • Spring Reverb


Mesa Boogie collaborated with John Petrucci to bring back the beloved Mark II C+ amplifier in a more modernized form: the JP-2C amp head. Essentially a C+ reissue, the JP-2C contains the same big transformer and the same circuitry but with 21st-century updates geared towards the live performer. With three different lead channels, including one clean and two lead, 2 distinct EQs, and even MIDI capabilities, the JP-2C amp head is a truly singular amplifier that functions both as a reissue and as something completely unique.


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