Manley Labs VOXBOX All Tube Channel Strip

Manley Labs VOXBOX All Tube Channel Strip

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • VOXBOX Tube Channel Strip
  • Purple
  • 2010s
Made In
  • United States


As recording consoles in the 1980s and '90s got more sophisticated, with automated everything, total recall and every conceivable bell and whistle, engineers and producers around the world found that the compromise came in the way of sonics. Through-hole, discrete components and transformers were pushed aside for tiny IC chips that could allow console designers to pack more features and I/O into a smaller amount of space, but the huge tone of the classic consoles was missing. Manley Labs gave the pros a renewed sense of faith in fidelity with the release of the all-tube VOXBOX channel strip.
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This outboard channel in its bulletproof 3U enclosure offers up tons of vintage tone and control, but with quieter, modern components and specifications. With rigorously tested tubes, handwound transformers, and amazing circuit design, the VOXBOX essentially sticks 5 separate units into one valve-powered beast. With the same 60dB mic pre as Manley's other designs, a different approach to the classic ELOP compressor, a wildly expanded EQ based on Pultec drawings, and a graceful de-esser, the VOXBOX is a premiere choice for one-and-done vocal recording and processing. Don't let the name fool you, though. The VOXBOX is a total workhorse for all sorts of instruments and applications and has long been a standard for bass guitar, piano, horns, and anything else that produces sound.

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