Line 6 DL4 Delay Modeler
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Line 6 DL4 Delay Modeler

Line 6 DL4 Delay Modeler

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • DL4 Delay Modeler
  • Green
  • 1999 - 2021
Made In
  • United States
Pedal Format
  • Floor Unit


The Line 6 DL4 Delay Modeler ranks as one of those stompboxes every player should own at some point. With 16 distinct delay modes and onboard looping, the Line 6 DL4 unlocks a rich universe of effects to explore.
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Product Reviews

More Information

The Line 6 DL4 Delay modeler ranks as one of those stompboxes every player should own at some point. This massively versatile pedal captures just about every style of delay you'd ever need, with flexible onboard looping functionalities. Since 2000, this modern classic has given players an endless supply of delays to explore, racking up a long list of staunch devotees in the process.

Vintage to Modern Delays on Tap

As a "Delay Modeler" the DL4 expertly simulates 16 different styles of delay running the gamut from '70s tape echos to modern digital processors. Whether you're searching for the tube driven warmth of an Echoplex or want to sound like The Edge via an original Memory Man, the DL4 does it all. The DL4's available models include:

  • Tube Echo
  • Tape Echo
  • Multi-Head
  • Sweep Echo
  • Analog Echo
  • Analog w/Mod
  • Lo Res Delay
  • Digital Delay
  • Digital w/Mod
  • Rhythmic Delays
  • Stereo Delays
  • Ping Pong
  • Reverse
  • Dynamic Delay
  • Auto-Volume Echo
  • Loop Sampler

Combine these modes with with the standard delay time and repeats controls to find the delay you need. The DL4 comes with 18 factory presets and provides space to save three distinct settings of your own to control with "A", "B", and "C" switches. The DL4 runs on 24-bit true stereo signal which means all your sounds shine through.

In the Loop

If its arsenal of exotic delay settings wasn't enough, the DL4 contains a full-on loop station perfectly suited for at-home practice sessions or live performance. Just hit the record button to lay down your loop, then hit it again to start the playback. Once you have your loop set, use the tap tempo to control its playback speed. Hit tap tempo once for half tempo, hit it again to bring it back to normal speed, or hit it twice to bring it to reverse mode speed. With 14 seconds of loop time and intuitive controls, the DL4 looper is a great launch pad into the immense world of experimentation and creativity that comes with live looping.

The DL4 looper is a great launch pad into the immense world of experimentation that comes with live looping.

Tweek, Tweez, and Other Controls

In addition the to the normal Delay Time, Repeats, and Mix controls you find on my delay pedals, the DL4 also has knobs for "Tweek" and "Tweez." These parameters control different tweaks and modulations on each of the delay types. Combine that with the stereo output options and external expression pedal, and you have a massive palette of delay effects to explore.

This Modded Life

As if the onboard performance of the DL4 wasn't enough, this pedal also ranks as one of the most modded of all time. Some players consider the standard components to be a little less durable than they'd prefer so common mods include swapping out the knobs and switches. For all these reasons, the DL4 is a great option for guitarists looking to break out that soldering iron and get into the world of modding.

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