Korg Prologue 8 Polyphonic 49-Key 8-Voice Analog Synthesizer

Korg Prologue 8 Polyphonic 49-Key 8-Voice Analog Synthesizer

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • Prologue 8 Polyphonic 49-Key 8-Voice Analog Synthesizer
  • Black/Wood
  • 2018 - 2025
Analog / Digital
  • Analog
Key Size
  • Full Size
Keyboard Action
  • Synth Action
  • MIDI Input
  • MIDI Output
Number of Keys
  • 49 Keys
  • 8 Voices


An absolute powerhouse instrument billed by its creators as the company's new flagship feature, the Korg Prologue 8 Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer boasts two analog VCOs with a digital/FM Multi Drive engine as a third VCO, an expansive effects section, and four-octave arpeggiator that only begins to describe everything this behemoth is capable of. Traversing a tonal palette from fat basses to enormous leads to moody pads, the Prologue's Multi Drive draws power from a noise generator, Variable Phase Modulation (VPM) generator, and user-created generator to spike the traditional analog sound with a maverick edge for crafting sounds rarely, if ever, heard on this type of synth. Watch the video to grasp the full majesty of this synth.


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