Korg Pitchblack Custom  Pedal Tuner with 3D Visual Meter Display
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Korg Pitchblack Custom Pedal Tuner

Korg Pitchblack Custom Pedal Tuner

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • PB-CS Pitchblack Custom Tuning Pedal with 3D Display
  • Black
  • 2010s


With intense accuracy and a swanky 3D display, the Korg Pitchblack Custom makes tuning on stage or in the studio easier than ever. This compact pedal tuner features four switchable display modes and adjustable calibration, making it an ideal choice for quick stage tuning or dialing in exact intonation on the bench. Compare prices on new & used Korg Pitchblack Custom pedal tuners on Reverb.com for the best deals.


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