JHS Mini Foot Fuzz V1

JHS Mini Foot Fuzz V1

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • Mini Foot Fuzz V1
  • Purple
  • 2012 - 2017
Made In
  • United States
Pedal Format
  • Mini


Bringing together an ultra-small 1x3 chassis, streamlined yet responsive two-knob interface of volume and fuzz, and some of the most surprisingly rich mid harmonics currently available in a fuzz, the JHS Mini Foot Fuzz is one of the biggest little surprises in the pedal world. A black sheep sleeper hit in the fuzz realm, the MIni Foot's focused, angry buzz goes from a fuzzed overdrive to a swarm of bees with an emphasis in the low-mid EQ range for a wholly distinctive sound. Coming in well under a Benjamin for used models, these little guys cover ground from blues rock to stoner metal and beyond without breaking a sweat.


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