Intellijel Metropolis Complex Pitch / Gate Sequencer Eurorack Synth Module 2015 - 2020 - Silver
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Intellijel Metropolis Complex Pitch / Gate Sequencer Eurorack Synth Module

Intellijel Metropolis Complex Pitch / Gate Sequencer Eurorack Synth Module

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • Metropolis Complex Pitch / Gate Sequencer Eurorack Synth Module
  • Silver
  • 2015 - 2020
Made In
  • Canada
Horizontal Pitch
  • 34HP
Modular Synth Format
  • Eurorack
Synth Module Function
  • Clock
  • Random
  • Sequencer


The Metropolis from Intellijel is a full featured sequencer that offers slider based control of eight steps and a multitude of modes and options for utilizing those. Outputs for Gate, Pitch, Sync and Clock give you options for controlling your system with the generate sequences and syncing up other sequencers.

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