Gibson GA-40 Les Paul 14-Watt 1x12" Guitar Combo 1952 - 1954

Gibson GA-40 Les Paul 14-Watt 1x12" Guitar Combo 1952 - 1954

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • GA-40 Les Paul 14-Watt 1x12" Guitar Combo
  • Two-Tone Brown
  • 1952 - 1954
Made In
  • United States
Direct Output
  • No Direct Output
  • Tube
Number of Channels
  • 1 Channel
Number of Inputs
  • 4 Inputs
Output Power (Watts)
  • 14
Power Tube Type
  • 6V6
  • None
Speaker Configuration
  • 1x12"


An oft-overlooked amp powerhouse from the '50s and '60s, the Gibson GA-40 Combo brought in 6V6 power tubes, a dual channel layout, and an offbeat pentode preamp design for a sound wholly distinct from its rivals of the time. Originally sold as the companion piece to the Les Paul Standard, the GA-40's 5879 preamp tube emphasized thick, sustained midrange tone in both the dedicated instrument channel and hotter vocal channel which became the go-to for leads. An absolute classic that sounds nothing like its tweed competitors of the time.

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