Focusrite ISA One Desktop Mic Preamp

Focusrite ISA One Desktop Mic Preamp

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • ISA One Desktop Mic Preamp
  • Blue
  • 2008 - 2025
Made In
  • United Kingdom


The Focusrite ISA One is a desktop mic pre that brings the huge sound of the legendary Focusrite Forte console to your project studio or mobile rig. From microphones to line sources to instruments, everything in your studio can be connected to, and benefit from the ISA One. A Lundahl L1538 input transformer, as used in the ISA110 console modules, gives a distinctive character to the sound while still remaining clear and clean.
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The mic pre features switchable gain range and a staggering 80dB of gain on tap including the output fader. Four switchable input impedances allow for use with all sorts of microphones, a fixed high-pass filter gets rid of the rumble, and an insert point lets you connect your favorite EQ or compressor in between the input and output. The DI section has its own gain range, from +10 to +40 and once again, switchable impedance for different kinds of instruments. A thru-output lets you take your signal out to an amp to get a mic'd sound while you print your DI track straight to your DAW or recorder. When you're overdubbing, bring the current mix into the "Cue Mix" inputs on the rear panel, and monitor what you're recording against what you've already got using the built-in headphone amplifier. A digital output card is available optionally, which also splits the mic and DI outputs into two signals, technically making this a two-channel device when the card is installed.

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