Fender Twin Reverb 2-Channel 100-Watt 2x12" Guitar Combo 1972 - 1976

Fender Twin Reverb 2-Channel 100-Watt 2x12" Guitar Combo 1972 - 1976

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • Twin Reverb 2-Channel 100-Watt 2x12" Guitar Combo
  • Silverface
  • 1972 - 1976
Made In
  • United States
Built-In Effects
  • Built-In Effects
Color Family
  • Black
Direct Output
  • No Direct Output
  • Tube
Model Family
  • Fender Twin
Model Sub-Family
  • Fender Twin Reverb
Number of Channels
  • 2 Channels
Number of Inputs
  • 4 Inputs
Output Power (Watts)
  • 100
Power Tube Type
  • 6L6
  • Spring Reverb
  • Fender Vintage Silverface Amps
Speaker Configuration
  • 2x12"


Crystalline, versatile, and packed to the gills with punch, the vintage Fender Twin Reverb Silverface Combo is an affordable, occasionally overlooked gem in the company's vintage roster. The loudest of the company's original line of amps, this model was designed from the ground up with hefty 6L6 tubes to fill out even the biggest stages. The Twin's dual Normal/Vibrato channel design is outfitted with three-band EQs and Bright switches for compensation at higher volumes on each side and controls for speed/intensity/reverb for lush tone on tap. Stacked with headroom, this leviathan can handle the nastiest dirtboxes with the Master volume knob (unique to the Silverface) barely past noon.

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