Electro-Harmonix Synth9 Synthesizer Machine

Electro-Harmonix Synth9 Synthesizer Machine

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • Synth9
  • Purple
  • 2017 - 2025


The Synth9 from Electro-Harmonix is a pedal that transforms your guitar or bass signal into the sounds of nine different synthesizers. With different presets of '80s leads, enveloping pads, funky bass synths, and beyond, the Synth9 is the perfect pedal for guitarists who need to handle the synth parts in a cover, or those who just want to get a little weird with their sound design. In addition to volume controls to blend your dry guitar signal and the synth effect, this pedal also has two "CTRL" knobs that adjust two parameters for each individual synth mode. For similar pedals in this series, see the EHX C9 and B9 organ pedals, the Mel9 Mellotron-style pedal, and the Key9 electric piano pedal.


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Reverb Price Guide
A keyboard, a guitar, and a pedal

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