Electro-Harmonix Micro Q-Tron Envelope Filter

Electro-Harmonix Micro Q-Tron Envelope Filter

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • Micro Q-Tron Envelope Filter
  • Silver / Black / Blue
  • 2006 - 2025


The Electro-Harmonix Micro Q-Tron is an easy-to-use envelope filter pedal that'll have you feeling like the Lord of Funk. An internal envelope follower analyzes the volume and dynamics of your playing to sweep the center of the filter for a wah-like tone that changes as you play. Three simple controls at the top of the pedal set the filter mode, the bandwidth of the filter, and the amount of drive going in. Experiment with the funky vintage sounds of the Micro Q-Tron and you'll never want it to leave your pedalboard.


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