Electro-Harmonix 95000 Performance Loop Laboratory

Electro-Harmonix 95000 Performance Loop Laboratory

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • 95000 Performance Loop Laboratory
  • Black
  • 2018 - 2025
Pedal Format
  • Floor Unit


Sporting some of the most expansive capabilities ever built into a looper, the Electro-Harmonix 95000 Performance Loop Laboratory comes with features like a 100-loop capacity, a 16GB Micro SD card with up to 375 minutes of loop time, and an armada of tweakable parameters for creating entire worlds of sound. Use onboard quantizing and reverse playback and dual-octave speed adjust for minute adjustments with complete precision with two audio inputs that can even handle mics with built-in phantom power. A flagship effect for any loop junkie.

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A keyboard, a guitar, and a pedal

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