Dunlop JP95 John Petrucci Signature Cry Baby Wah

Dunlop JP95 John Petrucci Signature Cry Baby Wah

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • JP95 John Petrucci Signature Cry Baby Wah
  • Silver
  • 2016 - 2025
Made In
  • United States
Pedal Format
  • Standard


Sturdily constructed and encased in a sleek chrome chassis, the Dunlop John Petrucci Signature JP95 Cry Baby is a wah that will last you a lifetime. While certain wahs may be limited in their range, the JP95 doesn't suffer from that affliction; the lows on this wah are almost synth-like, and the highs are smooth without being piercing. The entire range of the pedal's big, throaty curve is useable. And with cool blue LED indicators, you'll have no doubt about when the JP95 is on and ready to sing.


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