Death By Audio Echo Dream Delay 2

Death By Audio Echo Dream Delay 2

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • Echo Dream Delay 2
  • Purple
  • 2010s
Made In
  • United States
Pedal Format
  • Standard


The Echo Dream 2 is an updated version of one of Death by Audio's most popular pedals. It incorporates 20 to 1200 milliseconds of delay, combined with fuzz and pitch-shifting modulation, to generate tones that range from warm, fairly well-behaved echo, to varying degrees of dirt, drive, and lush modulation, to hideous fuzz-bomb repeats fully awash in modulated chaos. 9–18 volt power provides for further variations in response, clarity, and headroom, based on how you power the Echo Dream, and its Wet/Dry toggle makes it a cinch to get a 100 percent effected tone for use with effects loops.

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