Dean Backwoods 2 Acoustic-Electric 5-String Banjo

Dean Backwoods 2 Acoustic-Electric 5-String Banjo

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • Backwoods 2 Acoustic-Electric 5-String Banjo
  • Gloss Natural
  • 2010s


Crafted with features like a 24-piece bracket design, solid mahogany resonator, rim, and neck, and a built-in DMT design single neck humbucker with volume control for amplified playing, the Dean Backwoods 2 Acoustic-Electric 5-String Banjo brings country sound to the stage. Striking in both sound and appearance, this model's gloss ebony finish is matched by the authentic Remo WeatherKing head's transparent film which even allows you to see the wood and construction while playing.

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