Dangerous Music D-BOX Monitor Controller and Summing Box

Dangerous Music D-BOX Monitor Controller and Summing Box

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • D-BOX Monitor Controller and Summing Box
  • Silver
  • 2006 - 2019
Made In
  • United States


The Dangerous Music D-BOX monitor controller and summing box is the perfect parter for your 8-channel interface. Switch between analog and digital inputs and two sets of monitor speakers with ease, communicate with your artist via the built-in talkback mic, and get more width and headroom out of your final mix with the 8-channel summing section that's exactly the same as one half of a 2-Bus LT. Two headphone outputs provide incredible fidelity and more than enough volume for all kinds of headphones. Grab a D-BOX as your one-and-done back end and improve your mixes and workflow immediately.

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