Chandler Limited REDD.47 Tube Mic Preamp

Chandler Limited REDD.47 Tube Mic Preamp

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Product Specs

  • REDD.47
  • Gray
  • 2010s


The Chandler Limited REDD.47 Mic Amplifier is a meticulously-built single channel tube mic preamp, a modern recreation the vintage EMI line amplifier used most famously at Abbey Road to record The Beatles in the mid-1960s. Originally designed as the heart and soul of the EMI REDD.51 recording console, the REDD.47 module was used in nearly all parts of the desk's signal path -- microphones to line inputs, echo sends to monitor returns. Known for its incredibly punchy and lively sound that gets wildly aggressive when pushed, it also produces huge clean tones at lower operating levels. The Chandler version adds some modern features like polarity reversal, a DI input, a rumble filter and increased gain functions to make the REDD.47 useful for all sorts of microphones and sound sources.

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