Bogner Burnley Distortion with Rupert Neve Transformer 2010s - Purple
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Bogner Burnley

Bogner Burnley

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • Burnley Distortion with Rupert Neve Transformer
  • Purple
  • 2010s
Made In
  • United States


Featuring transistors fashioned exclusively for Reinhold Bogner by Rupert Neve, the Bogner Burnley Distortion brings you multi-dimensional, dynamic sound straight from the '60s. Flavored like classic British amps, mild distortion, screaming high-gain tones - the Burnley can give you whatever distortion you need. And it's perfect for metal players too - use the Fat/Tight switch to have that tight, metal shredding tone or a looser, wider tone.
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Paying homage to mixing consoles of the 1960s, Bogner has been producing pedals in the past decade in addition to their amps.

The Burnley distortion provides a vintage grit reminiscent of 60s British tube amps.

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