Blue Bottle

Blue Bottle

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • Bottle Tube Mic with B6 Capsule
  • Blue
  • 2010s
  • Analog
  • Tube
Microphone Type
  • Large-Diaphragm Condenser
Polar Pattern
  • Cardioid
  • Wired


Blue's Bottle condenser tube microphone is the company's flagship mic, offering up interchangeable capsules, or "bottle caps," for the ultimate versatility. Applications for the Bottle are numerous; from vocals to hand percussion to piano and strings, the Bottle doesn't disappoint. Fully discrete Class A power using EF86 pentode vacuum tubes imbue your sound with the natural warmth tubes are so well-loved for. The Bottle comes with a precision power supply that can be controlled by a nine-step sensitivity knob that will help you determine the exact polarization voltage to fit your tonal desires.

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