Akai MPC Renaissance Groove Production Studio

Akai MPC Renaissance Groove Production Studio

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • MPC Renaissance Groove Production Studio
  • Grey
  • 2012 - 2019
Made In
  • United States
Analog / Digital
  • Digital
  • MIDI Input
  • MIDI Output
Number of Pads
  • 16 Pads
  • 128 Voices


The Akai MPC Renaissance is a reinvention of the classic MPC workflow, adapting it from a hardware based sampler and sequencer into a hybrid software and hardware approach. Paired with Akai's MPC software the Renaissance controller provides everything you need to emulate the MPCs of yesteryear or explore the future of beat production. Centered around the legendary bank of 16 velocity sensitive pads, the Renaissance adds 16 encoders sporting LED indicators for extensive parameter control that maintains tight integration with the software. With a built-in audio interface you can monitor your tracks directly from the unit, and every function from transport to sequencing can be managed from the full-featured controls. If you're looking to take your MPC experience to the next level and enjoy a computer-based workflow, the MPC Renaissance is a can't miss production tool.

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A keyboard, a guitar, and a pedal

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