Akai APC40 Ableton Live Controller

Akai APC40 Ableton Live Controller

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • APC40
  • Black
  • 2010s
Made In
  • United States


The APC40 from Akai was the first dedicated Ableton controller built in conjunction with the software company. It features a grid for launching clips and a mixing interface allowing you to mix eight tracks while controlling the master volume and cue mix. Two banks of eight encoders give you control over macros, effects, instruments and sends depending on what mode you're in. Controls for navigation and transport make performing Ableton Sets a completely hands-free affair. Supplanted by the more compact APC40 mkII and Ableton's new Push series, the APC40 is nonetheless and excellent performance tool for Ableton users looking for an affordable MIDI controller with out-of-the-box mapping.

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