4MS Dual Looping Delay

4MS Dual Looping Delay

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • Dual Looping Delay
  • Silver
  • 2010s
Horizontal Pitch
  • 20HP
Modular Synth Format
  • Eurorack
Synth Module Function
  • Delay


The Dual Looping Delay is a digital delay from 4MS that synchronizes loop and delay effects for creative Eurorack synthesis. The unit was inspired by digital looping delays of the late-’70s and early ‘80s, like Lexicon’s PCM42, which featured long storage times for loops without triggered record or playback functions. The Dual Looping Delay features two independent delay/loop channels synchronized to a common time base, each with almost three full minutes of delay/loop storage time. Though set to loop and record continuously by default, recording can be paused with Infinite Hold mode, which stops recording input and fixes regeneration at 100%. The Dual Looping Delay also features a reverse mode, which plays its memory content backward.

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