Comedian Hannibal Buress, now also known by his Eshu Tune moniker, has been gradually transitioning into a newfound rap career. Fans of his Handsome Rambler podcast have seen this transition unfold over the past few years, but even they might not know what we've come to learn: that Hannibal is also a secret gearhead.
Sitting down with Reverb's Fess Grandiose before a recent Eshu Tune performance, Hannibal talked to us about his music production process, his love of Moog synthesizers and MIDI gloves, and how badly he also yearns for a wind instrument MIDI controller in his setup.
Hannibal's rap skills have been evident for years, with feature verses on songs with Open Mike Eagle, Quelle Chris, and Serengeti. Alongside DJ Tony Trimm on their Handsome Rambler show, Hannibal often takes unexpected turns into freestyle rap over original beats he makes in the moment, and they regularly include guests taking part in the sessions.
Recently, he has been making impressive strides in his musical pursuits, releasing a style of hip-hop that sets him apart from the other comedians who have ventured into music. His effortless flow and clever, humorous lyrics can be best heard on Eshu Tune's "1-3 Pocket," a song that highlights Buress' bowling skills as well as his own production talents.
Backstage at Chicago's Chop Shop, we got the chance to talk to Hannibal about all of this and more. Check out the full video with Fess above.