Summer NAMM in Nashville is always chock full interesting guitar gear, with tons of new releases from a wide range of brands. We've heard from the big guys, like Fender and Epiphone, but we wanted to do a little roundup of some of the coolest models to hit the floor from the smaller, boutique brands, too.
Joe kicked off his boutique tour by checking out and playing a slew of guitars on display at the Boutique Guitar Showcase.
He played everything from a super thin–bodied Kill Bill–themed electric to a guitar with pieces of a genuine meteorite embedded into the fretboard. It doesn't get more metal than that.
Next up, Joe stopped by the Relish Guitars booth for a bit, where he learned about the brand and got to play some of its newest guitars.
This young brand was established three years ago, and in that first year, it produced just three prototype models. This year, the seven–man operation has increased production to 650 guitars.
Last but not least, Joe caught up with Revelator Guitars to check out their newest Summer NAMM offerings. Revelator was one of the first brands in the relic'ing game, established in 1999.
As Eric told Joe, the brand has started gaining speed over the last couple of years and has pushed into the clean market. This year, Revelator is debuting its own offset guitar creation. Every guitar is truly a work of art, with each component made by hand and outfitted with the best boutique pickups.

See more News from Summer NAMM 2017