This is the best inlay I’ve seen on a rare, great sounding, looking, old vintage Lyon and Healy college line guitar from 1920.
All the top cracks have been reinforced and the top has an X bracing pattern.
The wooden inlay pattern around the spine, sound hole and guitars edging on this is epic as well.
Some of the binding is lifted sightly but is still very sturdy where it has. The 11th fret has a slight buzz. Tried to picture it as best as possible.
Feel free to reach out with any questions.
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Analog man, analogue man, analogue, annaloge man, annalogeman, annalog, Anna log man, Annalogman, analogman, analoggman, eq pedal, pedals, eqpedal, e.q, e.qpedal, e,q, e,q,pedal, e-qpedal, e-q, e q, eq7, e-q7, eq-7, e-q7pedal, eq-7pedal,
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Melanconia, malinconia, Bondi effects, Bondieffects, spaceman effects, spacemaneffects, r2rpedals, r2r, r.2.r, r2rpedal, euna, chasebliss, chase bliss, gfi, gfi effects, gfieffects, g.f.ieffects, g.f.i, synthesia, polymoon, poly moon, duophony, duo phony, empress effects, empresseffects,
ParaEq, para eq, ParaEq MKII, mkii, mk2, ParaEqMK2, ParaEqMKII, equilizer, equiliaser, equaliser, parametric, parametriceq, parametrick, parametrickeq, pultec, pulteceq, pulteck, pulteckeq
Martin- Martin’s, Martin’s, Marin, Marin, taylor, ovation, vintage, old guitar, acoustic, electric, Fender Classic Series 5 Guitar Case Stand Black, Gibson, wall hanger, Hercules stand, gretch, Martin, j45, j 45, j-45, 0015, b18, d-18, d 18, d35, d-35, d 35, d45, d-45 jumbo guitar, Ibanez, hammer, novo, ovation, rivolta, Collings, Washburn, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, classical, prs, p.r.s, hummingbird, dove, 0018, parlor, guitars, vintage, old, dreadnaught, parlor, lyon & Healy, lyonandhealy, Lyon and Healy, lyon&healy,
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Listed | 25 days ago |
Condition | Fair (Used) Fair condition gear should function but will show noticeable cosmetic damage or other issues.Learn more |
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