This intelligent voice recognizing de-esser leaves you with a crisp, level vocal track.  

What it is:

De-essing plugin to strategically remove harsh unwanted s, sh, and ts sounds. 

How we use it:

Put IQ-DeEsser on a vocal track to save a brilliant performance from any unpleasant vocal afflictions. 

Why it's cool:

The vocal recognition algorithm brings a much needed plug and play alternative to the somewhat tedious world of smooth de-essing. 

The HOFA IQ-DeEsser is the new tool for editing harsh sibilants in vocals or in the whole mix. With a specialized and very natural working voice recognition the IQ-DeEsser is very easy to use and even more intuitive.

Furthermore, an innovative BUS-Mode can control an adjustable frequency range in extraordinary precision.
All this makes IQ-DeEsser a game changer in mixing and mastering.

The integrated voice recognition is able to control all kinds of sibilants (s, sh, ts, …) completely smooth and effective. The vocal sound remains natural and authentic even with strong reduction.

Besides the 3 modes for editing individual tracks, there is a BUS-Mode which works on a completely different and absolutely novel algorithm:
a high resolution monitoring and processing defuses all occurring frequency peaks simultaneously.

HOFA IQ-DeEsser – DeEssing in its most natural way and a BUS-Mode that has no equal.


  • HOFA custom-made voice recognition for precise working on unpleasant consonants
  • 4 Modes for different applications:
    • WIDE – a standard for successful Vocal-Track DeEssing
    • DARK –  performs miracles on too bright vocals
    • PEAK – hissing and resonating sibilants are history
    • BUS – ideal for mixgroups, mastering, stems and unbalanced vocal- & instrumentalsounds
  • Support for Mac and PC, 32- and 64-bit DAWs

HOFA IQ-DeEsser provides for:

  • Intelligent management of high-frequency sounds
  • Decreasing aggressive sounds in vocals, voice, instruments & mixings
  • Natural presentation of fricatives and sibilants
  • Best results combined with easiest handling


  • The software can be activated and used on two machines at the same time with the HOFA-Plugins Manager. It is possible to deactivate licenses and transfer them to another machine. Also, HOFA plugins can be activated and used offline.
  • The same flash drive can be used for our and other plugin developers' USB-licenses.

  • HOFA Plugins work with Windows 7/8/10, Vista and WinXP, as well as Intel-Mac from OS X 10.6.

  • Audio Unit, VST, VST3, RTAS and AAX, 32 and 64 Bit.

  • HOFA Plugins are tested constantly on the following DAWs: Steinberg Cubase/Nuendo/Wavelab, MOTU Digital Performer, Ableton Live, Apple Logic, Magix Samplitude/Sequoia, Avid Pro Tools, Cakewalk Sonar, Presonus Studio One, Cockos Reaper, FL Studio

Installation Instructions
General Instructions:
  • We auto-detect your computer operating system, so just click the download button above.
  • Find the downloaded plugin (it's in your computer's download folder, or wherever you've chosen to save it) and double click the installer.
  • A plugin installer window will open. Simply go through the installation process.
  • We will also send you an email with a link to re-download in case you need it.
How to use installed plugins in Ableton Live:
  1. If Ableton Live is closed, open it and skip to #5.
  2. If Ableton Live is already open, go to Preferences.
  3. Go to Files & Folder.
  4. Click "Rescan plugins".
  5. Find the plugin in the Ableton plugins folder in the sidebar.
  6. Drag-and-drop the plugin onto your track at the bottom of the screen.
How to use installed plugins in Logic Pro X:
  1. Open Logic Pro X. Newly installed plugins should be detected automatically every time Logic is opened.
  2. If you've downloaded an effect or utility plugin, these can be used on an insert for any track in the mixer.
  3. Create a software instrument track if you downloaded a virtual instrument plugin.
  4. Under Default Patch, go to AU Instruments and choose the plugin you just installed.
How to use installed plugins in Avid Pro Tools:
  1. Open Pro Tools. Newly installed plugins should be detected automatically every time Pro Tools is opened.
  2. If you've downloaded an effect or utility plugin, these can be used on an insert for many types of tracks (Audio, Aux, Instrument, Master Fader...)
  3. If you’ve downloaded a software instrument, create a new Instrument track.
  4. Navigate to the Mixer and locate the newly created Instrument track.
  5. Select the desired instrument plugin by clicking on any of the Inserts on the Instrument track.
How to Install plugins to Garage Band:
  1. Go to the Reverb SYNC Software and plugin Collection.
  2. Choose your desired plugin.
  3. Reverb will auto-detect your platform, so simply click the download button.
  4. Continue the installation process by following the prompt.
  5. Hover your mouse over the smart control button.
  6. Click Show Inspector icon.
  7. Click on plugins and choose your desired plugin.

  • IQ-DeEsser

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Reverb Software

Chicago, IL, United States
Joined Reverb:2016

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