In the 1930s and '40s, cowboy stories filled the imaginations of radio listeners and movie-goers across the United States. The Lone Ranger, which would later be a television hit as well, first aired on the WXYZ radio station in 1933. Will Rogers brought his cowboy humor out of the silent film era and onto the silver screen, and singing cowboys like Gene Autry and Roy Rogers put stories from the range into song.
Guitar companies—peering across the pop culture landscape with an eye toward their own fortunes—sought to capitalize on the trend. Regal, Supertone, Kay, Harmony, and others sold acoustic guitars with cowboy scenes stenciled right onto the acoustic's finish. In more recent years, Martin, Recording King, Gretsch, and other brands have issued newer guitars with scenes of range lives past.
Check out some of the coolest cowboy stencil acoustics available on Reverb right now. You can find more information on any of the guitars by clicking on their picture.