Flanger Pedals
Popular Flanger Pedals
- BossEffects and PedalsFlangerCompare 24 from €144
- Strymon
Deco V2
Effects and PedalsDelay(14)Compare 17 from €339 - Multiple FinishesStrymon
Deco V1
Effects and PedalsDelay(96)Compare 4 from €280 - Universal Audio
Astra Modulation Machine
Effects and PedalsChorus and Vibrato(4)Compare 38 from €176.13 - Multiple FinishesWalrus Audio
Polychrome Analog Flanger
Effects and PedalsFlanger(12)Compare 19 from €171.08 - MXR
M152 Micro Flanger
Effects and PedalsFlanger(54)Compare 27 from €85 - MXR
EVH117 Flanger
Effects and PedalsFlanger(40)Compare 19 from €160.93 - Multiple FinishesStrymon
Zelzah Multidimensional Phaser
Effects and PedalsPhase Shifters(7)Compare 19 from €268.72 - Boss
BF-2 Flanger 1980-1984 (Black Label) Made In Japan
Effects and PedalsFlanger(9)Compare 16 from €150.95 - Boss
BF-2 Flanger
Effects and PedalsFlanger(48)Compare 8 from €120.08 - Electro-Harmonix
Stereo Electric Mistress
Effects and PedalsChorus and Vibrato(42)Compare 19 from €110 - TC Electronic
SCF Gold Stereo Chorus + Pitch Modulator & Flanger Reissue
Effects and PedalsChorus and Vibrato(5)Compare 3 from €159
Used Flanger Pedals
Flanger Pedals For Sale on Reverb
Like delay, flanging began as a tape-based effect. Classic examples of tape flanging include the vocals on The Beatles’ "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds," and everything on Slowdive’s seminal shoegaze album Souvlaki. Eventide and MXR built rack flangers in the '70s, but flange effects have come in a wide variety of guitar pedals, from the noise makers dream, Electro-Harmonix’s Flanger Hoax, to the classic compact Boss BF-2.
What does a flanger pedal do?
Generally, a flanger pedal attempts to recreate the effect of pressing on, or otherwise manipulating, a reel-to-reel tape deck. Because the action modulates both the speed and pitch of the sound produced, flangers occupy a gray area between time-based and waveform-based effects. For a pedal-based reproduction of tape flange and other analog studio tricks, try out a Strymon Deco.
What’s the difference between a flanger and chorus effect?
Both chorus and flanging overlap in being short delay-based effects. Chorus effects add several replications of the original input sound, while flangers usually create one slightly slower, mildly pitch-bent effect in parallel to the original input. Analog and digital technology pushed the flanging effect, which is often used as a more extreme effect than chorus, and often compared to the sound of a jet taking off. For an expert explanation, read Andy’s Tone Tips on the two effects.
What’s the difference between a flanger and phaser?
Unlike flangers, phasers are not time-based effects. Phasers manipulate the waveform of an audio signal.
What are the top flanger pedals?
In addition to the stompboxes mentioned in our rundown of The Best Flangers Ever Made, the EarthQuaker Devices Pyramids is worth a look. It offers amazing tones, stereo ins and outs, and preset recall.