Video: Nigel Hendroff of Shows Us His Stereo Pedalboard

Worship guitarist Nigel Hendroff has been cultivating his tone for decades.

Throughout all of those years of sonic experimentation, Nigel has consistently been asked one major question: what all does he use on his pedalboard? Today, he stopped by the Reverb studio to answer this question for us and to walk us through his extensive setup.

Use the pedal diagram below to follow along with the video. If you see something you like, click the picture of the pedal to view new and used inventory on Reverb.

Nigel Hendroff's Signal Chain

Jackson Audio Prism Ohmless Yara Compressor RJM Mastermind PBC EHX Micro Pog Cusack Music Scream Selah Scarlett Love V3 Teletronix Mullholland Drive Cusack Music Scruzz Dunlop Volume Pedal Boss DD-5 Strymon Timeline Expression Pedal Strymon Big Sky Eventide H9 EHX Super Ego Jackson Ampworks Scarlett 30 Fender Vibrolux Suhr Class T Image Map
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