API 525 500 Series Discrete Compressor / Limiter Module

API 525 500 Series Discrete Compressor / Limiter Module

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • 525 500 Series Compressor / Limiter Module
  • Black
  • 2000 - 2025
Made In
  • United States


The API 525 discrete compressor / limiter module is a classic '70s design reissued for the wildly popular 500 Series format. This feedback-type design is versatile enough for use with all kinds of sound sources, from drums to vocals to the final mix, controlling dynamics and putting an awesome sonic stamp onto your tracks. The unique "Ceiling" control lets you compress while maintaining level, allowing for true A/B comparisons, and the all-discrete circuitry means you've got API's signature punch and lightning-fast response in this workhorse module.

Reverb Price Guide
A keyboard, a guitar, and a pedal

Estimated Value for API 525 500 Series Discrete Compressor / Limiter Module on Reverb

Includes material, year, finish

Estimated Price Range
Based on 189 orders for 525 500 Series Compressor / Limiter Module 2000 - Present Black in Good to Mint condition
€536 - €760
Note: Estimate based on US sales prices for similar items on Reverb. Non-US regional data coming soon!

*Excludes Brand New, B Stock, Fair, Poor, and Non-functioning. Prices exclude shipping and tax/VAT/GST.

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