The Dirty Little Secret Deluxe represents the next logical step in Marshall Plexi emulation, reaching beyond the preamp circuit and adding the rest of the amp for an extremely authentic take on everything inside that chassis. Our original DLS circuit has upgraded and now features a phase inverter, power amp simulation, output transformer, a toggle switch for Super Lead or Super Bass mode, an external Presence knob controlling a low-pass filter, a new internal Tightness knob controlling a high-pass filter, and a Line Out with dedicated +10dB output.

A piece of the Dirty Little Secret - a single preamp tube simulator - is featured as a built-in boost circuit that can be used independently of the main circuit. Thanks to the internal Effect Order switch, you can run the boost and DLS in any order you like, put the boost before the DLS for high-powered saturated JCM900 tones or after to make everything louder without sacrificing clarity.


• Master: Occurs before the phase inverter and output transformer, like a real amp.

• Preamp: Now with cleaner low end and more cranked Marshall tones on the higher end.

• Presence: Low-pass filter above 1.59KHz, now located outside.

• 3-band EQ: Classic Marshall amp tone in a passive circuit.

• Boost Vol: Volume control for the Boost side.

• SB/SL switch: Choose between Super Bass and Super Lead modes.

• Tightness (internal): High-pass filter cutting up to 230Hz.

Controls: Master, preamp, presence, treble, middle, bass, boost vol, switch sb / sl.

ConditionBrand New (New)
Brand New items are sold by an authorized dealer or original builder and include all original packaging.Learn more
  • Dirty Little Secret Deluxe
Color Family
  • Silver
  • Black
Pedal Format
  • Standard

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Feldkirchen bei Graz, Austria
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