While perusing the pages of Reverb this week, an early '70s round badge Gretsch drum kit in a nice burgundy sparkle finish that caught our eye. Upon closer inspection, we learned that the kit actually belonged to the late heavy metal drummer Frankie Banali, most known for his work with the band Quiet Riot.
This drum set includes a Gretsch 14x10 marching snare, two floor toms (at 16x16 and 16x18), a 10x14 rack tom, and a 14x26 bass tom. The whole lot also comes with a Frankie Banali-singed Quiet Riot bass drum head and a certificate of authenticity from Regina Banali.

But this isn't the only famous drum set in Donn Bennett's Drum Vault here on Reverb. All shipping from Seattle, the shop features a whopping 10 other drum sets and a few snare drums that were all previously owned by the Quiet Riot drummer.
Almost all of the drum sets here are vintage beauties and all of them are in excellent shape. Some of the sets were famously used for stage performances, recordings, and other engagements that the listings will specify. The 2012 Vistalite Kit, for example, was played by not only Banali but Dave Grohl, Jason Bonham, Kenny Aronoff, and more at the 2012 Kennedy Center Honors of Led Zeppelin tribute performance.
Be sure to click through the gallery of drum sets above, and check out Donn Bennett's Drum Vault here on Reverb to learn more details about each kit on offer.