Roland JP-08 Boutique Series Digital Synthesizer Module

Roland JP-08 Boutique Series Digital Synthesizer Module

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • JP-08 Boutique Series Digital Synthesizer Module
  • Black
  • 2015 - 2025
Analog / Digital
  • Digital
  • MIDI Input
  • MIDI Output
  • 4 Voices


The JP-08 is a virtual analog sound module that recreates the sound of the Roland Jupiter-8, offering 36 of the original parameters directly onto the front panel of the module. The JP-08 also features brand new LFO and VCO waveforms and an expanded VCO range. Each module also features up to 4 voices of polyphony, the ability to chain modules together for more voices, a 16-step sequencer, two ribbon controllers, a built-in speaker, battery or USB bus power, MIDI/USB in and out, and mini jacks for stereo input, output, and headphones.
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The Roland Boutique Series offers virtual analog recreations of classic polyphonic analog synths in module form, with up to 4 voices of polyphony in each unit. Each module also features a 16-step sequencer, two ribbon controllers, a built-in speaker, battery or USB bus power, MIDI/USB in and out, and mini jacks for stereo input, output, and headphones.

The JP-08 recreates the sound of the Roland Jupiter-8, offering 36 of the original parameters directly onto the front panel of the module. The JP-08 also features brand new LFO and VCO waveforms and an expanded VCO range.

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