Roland D-05 Boutique Series Linear Synthesizer Sound Module

Roland D-05 Boutique Series Linear Synthesizer Sound Module

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • D-05 Boutique Series Linear Synthesizer Sound Module
  • Black
  • 2015 - 2025
Analog / Digital
  • Digital
  • MIDI Input
  • MIDI Output
  • 16 Voices


Built in the image of one of the company's '80s breakthrough units that went pound-for-pound with Yamaha's DX7 in the way of pure digital synthesis muscle, the Roland D-05 Linear Synthesizer captures the sounds of the late '80s and early '90s in a box that fits in your backpack. Staccato sampled attacks and sustained waveforms come together for a wide spread of analog-esque tones with a suite of onboard tweaks like a modulation joystick and 64-step sequencer for nearly limitless creative opportunity.


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