Electro-Harmonix Voice Box

Electro-Harmonix Voice Box

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Product Details

Product Specs

  • Voice Box Harmony Machine & Vocoder
  • Purple / Black
  • 2009 - 2025


The Electro-Harmonix Voice Box is a powerful harmonic processor and vocoder that can simply offer you 2 or 4-part backup harmonies or go "O Superman" and unleash vocoder synth sounds. The Voice Box comes with an immense amount of accoutrements, such as studio reverb, pitch-shifting algorithms, harmonies that sound at a 3rd and 5th above the original note, 9 tweakable presets, and even a Gender Bender knob, which modifies the male/female formant. For depth, clarity, and experimentation, the Electro-Harmonix Voice Box is a great offering for any singer or instrumentalist.

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